
Through the Security Module, generates the entire control of applications, users, and groups automatically. You can create secure systems to prevent unauthorized users from having access to certain applications. Learn more about the security features that Our Business Applications offers for your applications security.

Control of users and access permissions

Control of users and access permissions

With the Security Module Our Business Applications implements a complete system for creating and maintaining users and control access to applications according to different levels or group of users.

Integration with LDAP

Integration with LDAP

Within the security module it is possible to integrate user and group tables via Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

Password encryption

Password encryption

The security module automatically applies to the password field of the login the encryptions: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, or SHA512.

Integration with Paypal

Integration with Paypal

On the control application of Our Business Applications you can create integrations with PayPal for transactions.



Automatic option for implementing Captcha or Recaptcha, an effective security tool to prevent robots trying to get users passwords or send Spam through system forms.

Social login with Google, Facebook e Twitter

Social login with Google, Facebook e Twitter

Our Business Applications Security Module offers an automatic integration to your login application for social medias.

Authentication with Social Networks
Log Module

Log Module

Log Module creates a record of the relevant system events, configured by the administrator, developed at Scriptcase. With this module we can track all actions carried out by users of the system through reports. Each application of the project can be tied to a log, which will be configured individually. Each project can contain one or more log schemes.