Our Business Applications is a powerful tool for generating web systems and business applications. It also helps you to create complete reports (with dashboards, charts and pivot tables) in a simple and fast way for the management data analysis (Business Intelligence). Learn more about the features available to create reports and summaries.
![Wide Range of Data Analysis Features](./reports_files/xrecursos-para-visualizacao-e-analise-de-dados.png.pagespeed.ic.M6lC5IPGMb.webp)
Wide Range of Data Analysis Features
With Grid application you can build sophisticated and highly customizable interactive charts and reports . You can display a grid data in an integrated way using a summary format (Pivot tables), chart and Grids. This application also offers different types of filters and advanced Group by settings for creating dynamic reports. Report settings can also be customized by the end user within the final application.
Report with dynamic themes![Pivot Tables and Charts](./reports_files/xresumos-pivot-tables-e-graficos.png.pagespeed.ic.muww_Kn8Fq.webp)
Pivot Tables and Charts
Connect and visualize your data in minutes. Combine multiple views of data to get wider insights. Best practices of data visualization are made within Scriptcase. From a simple SQL query it is possible to create pivot tables and integrated graphics, with different filters and settings options for data analysis.
Pivot Summary TableFunnel Chart 3D![Group By with Dynamic options and aggregate functions](./reports_files/xquebras-com-agrupamento-dinamico-e-funcoes-agregadas.png.pagespeed.ic.MGpBEBp_GA.webp)
Group By with Dynamic options and aggregate functions
Easy-to-use graphical interface for Group By management. Possibility of dragging the same dimension with different date period fields (semester, quarter, trimester, semester and others) and metrics with different aggregate functions (sum, maximum, minimum, average, Weighted Average, Count, Distinct count, Variance and Standard Deviation) for data grouping within the Grids, Summaries and Charts.
Group ButtonsDynamic Group By![Dynamic Summaries](./reports_files/xtotalizacoes-dinamicas.png.pagespeed.ic.orbRsVbVHS.webp)
Dynamic Summaries
Dynamic options for configuring and viewing summaries within each of the Grid modules. Summaries can be arranged independently for each module and also customized by the end user.
Using Group By and Totals![Subqueries/Nested Grids](./reports_files/xsubconsultas.png.pagespeed.ic.s20Uv0dcAd.webp)
Subqueries/Nested Grids
A subquery is a nested grid inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, or subquery. In Our Business Applications these can be created through a graphical interface that manages the connection, parameters and layout settings within the final application.
Customers X Orders - Master / Detail ReportNested grids using treeview![Grid Filtering/Search](./reports_files/xdiferentes-tipos-de-filtros.png.pagespeed.ic.drFSa-aq5G.webp)
Grid Filtering/Search
Within Grid application you can filter data using various types of filters, individually or combined:
- Advanced Search - Filter module which works integrated with the Grid modules to check for data view before the Grid display. It offers a range of search criteria and conditions according to the given type (equal, start with, does not contain, other than, greater than, less than, between values, empty, Null, different date periods, etc).
- Dynamic Search - Filter for dynamic selection of conditions and fields directly within the generated application. With this filter the end user may choose fields and conditions at runtime.
- Refined Search - Filter that restricts values within the Grid according to the universe of existing data directly in the application generated.
- Summary Search - Dynamic filter for data Summary and Chart modules. Filters the data dynamically within the tables at runtime.
- Quick Search - General filter that searched within the grid data according with determined term entered in the search field.
Creating blocks in filter applicationsFilter and grid on the same pageFilter Form opening in modal![Query Builder / Manager](./reports_files/xquery-builder-gerenciador-de-queries.png.pagespeed.ic.rMP988oVON.webp)
Query Builder / Manager
Interface for automatic creation of select commands with options for selection of tables, fields, and relationships to prepare the Grid queries.
![Dynamic Columns Configuration](./reports_files/xconfiguracao-dinamica-para-colunas.png.pagespeed.ic.aajZbDKO-i.webp)
Dynamic Columns Configuration
The fields (columns) in the Grid application can be selected during the development or dynamically by the user within the application generated.
![Dynamic sorting](./reports_files/xordenacao-dinamica.png.pagespeed.ic.Ks-cb_fcOd.webp)
Dynamic sorting
The sorting settings can be made within the application generated by the end user, you can create simple or advanced orderings (with more than one field), according to the developer fields.
![Grid export options](./reports_files/xopcoes-de-exportacao-das-consultas.png.pagespeed.ic.C0Amm_a6uB.webp)
Grid export options
Grids generated by Our Business Applications can be automatically exported to XLS (Excel), XML, DOC (Word), PDF, CSV, RTF and printing.
![Different Grid Layouts](./reports_files/xdiferentes-orientacoes-para-layout-da-consulta.png.pagespeed.ic.7ICnyJ593-.webp)
Different Grid Layouts
Our Business Applications automatically generates the grid layout in horizontal, vertical or slide format. You can also use a “free format" layout, where you can freely draw the layout of the table by applying your own HTML and CSS.
Slide Grid with blocks and image fieldDefault Grid![Infinite Scrolling pagination](./reports_files/xpaginacao-com-scroll-infinito.png.pagespeed.ic.lUeBUeqR8x.webp)
Infinite Scrolling pagination
Grids can be organized by using different paging types for data visualization: total record in page, partial paging or infinite scrolling (where data is loaded according to page scrolling).
Special Fields (Maps, Youtube and HTML Editor)Grid using infinite scrollGrid using infinite scroll with fixed height![PDF Report](./reports_files/xreport-pdf.png.pagespeed.ic.rbwTwBK2oB.webp)
PDF Report
Application for generating reports using predefined formats. This application is created via the TCPDF library, which is natively integrated with Scriptcase.