Our Business Applications offers a complete development environment with several features that optimize team projects. It also enables people located in different places to work on the same project simultaneously. Check out some of the features available.
Simultaneous development
Our Business Applications is also a web system and runs within a browser, this allows the collaborative development, in other words, more than one person working at the same time with the same environment through local networks or in the cloud.
Access management by multiple developers / groups
With access control, you can create different users / groups and manage access to projects, applications and configuration options of Scriptcase.
Authentication via LDAP
You can also use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) protocol to integrate the user and group tables in the Our Business Applications interface access.
Documentation Generator
This is an integrated Our Business Applications tool that enables you to create complete documentation for your system, which works in an integrated way with the projects developed by Scriptcase.
Creation and conception of multiple applications (batch applications)
With this tool it is possible to create multiple applications (Forms and Grids). When creating grids and forms using this table, the applications will be created with an application connection, this connection allows the record to be edited from the grid.
Development Reports
To assist in the management of development teams, Our Business Applications offers two types of project reports. Through which you can see a list of the applications created so far, with various information about each of them and a report of the production of the developers of each project.
To-Do List
Tool that allows the creation of a To-Do list for registered users in the same Our Business Applications environment, with percentage control of the progress of the task. A message will be displayed for users who have a pending task whenever they log in to Scriptcase.
Message System
The Message System enables the exchange of messages between the developers of the same Our Business Applications installation. It is also an important tool for project management and development teams.
Project Diagram
Tool to generate the Project Diagram. With advanced diagram viewing and printing capabilities. Uses the GoJS library to generate diagrams.
Our Business Applications Usability and Layout
Our Business Applications offers several tools for creating and customizing themes / layout of generated applications. When you create a project, you can already select from several ready-made themes, without worrying about generating the style files manually. Within the layout options you can easily customize the CSS of Our Business Applications themes through graphic interfaces (buttons, images, colors, fonts). You can also customize layouts manually through events and libraries with CSS and HTML.
Layout customization tools
In layout, it’s possible to edit or create the visualization patterns to be used in projects developed with Scriptcase. In this area you can change each part of the application from the applications presentation screen to the buttons and menu that it will be part of.
Report with dynamic themesImage Manager
Image Manager that allows you to organize or include new images to be used in your project.
Application Preview
After building your web application, Our Business Applications offers an option to run using the built-in web server. With just one click the source code of the application is generated containing all the modifications made, allowing a quick preview of the final application.
Template projects
Our Business Applications provides several ready-made project templates with complete graphical interface and database structure. All models are completely customizable and easy to work with. See the list of sample projects here.