Products Inquiry Touch Screen System

Specifications :

Future Products Inquiry Screen System

This system works in integration with the POS system, as it displays all the products entered on the POS system.

This system works on the touch screen for inquiries in shops by customers, where customers can inquire about any product and search for it by barcode, name, classification, price, brand and other search methods.


Overview &

This system works on the touch screen and can read the barcode of the product to inquire about its price or find the different sizes for the product or its different colors and other characteristics.


Through this system, it is possible to display only the products on which offers or combined products.
Product Category


Through this system, it is possible to arrange the required products in the required category in order (name, price, code, etc.)
Add, edit, delete & view delivery

Filter by price

Through this system, it is possible to identify products with a specific category that have a specific price from - to

POS system

This system clearly shows which products are offered by the POS app


Through this application, you can also view the details of a specific product, and you can also view its barcode and scan it through the screen with a barcode reader.


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